Published 2 years ago in Other

As subhu bada min tala'atihi (Dhivehi old madhaha)

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Allah Ho beautiful naat in Dhivehi.
The Arabic poem is attributed to Hasan ibn Thabit, a companion of Prophet Muhammad.

الصبح بدا من طلعته
والليل دجا من وفرته

the light of dawn is from the radiance of his face
the sparkle of the night is from the glimmer of his hair

كنز الكرم مولى النعم
أب ِ الأمم ِ لشريعته

he is the treasure of grace, the treasure of mercy
the guide of the nation towards his shariah

الشجر نطق الحجر
شق القمر بإشارته

the tree began to walk, the stone began to speak
the moon split into two upon the his order

جبريل أتى ليلة اسرى
والرب دعا في حضرته
jibril (angel) came on the night of me'raaj (ascension)
the almighty invited him to the heaven

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